I went through the PromQL docs and found rate little bit confusing. Then I tried one query from Prometheus query dashboard and found below given results
Time Count increase rate(count[1m])
15s 4381 0 0
30s 4381 0 0
45s 4381 0 0
1m 4381 0 0
15s 4381 0 0
30s 4402 21 0.700023
45s 4402 0 0.700023
2m 4423 21 0.7
15s 4423 0 0.7
30s 4440 17 0.56666666
45s 4440 0 0.56666666
3m 4456 16 0.53333333
Last column value I am getting from dashboard but I am not able to understand how is this calculated.
Resolution - 15s
scrape_interval: 30s