I'm having serious problems getting three layers of nested tabs to work in an app that runs from Android 2.1 up and looks like Android 4 (uses support library fragments).
The goal
- App should have an ActionBar (works, currenly uses ActionBarSherlock)
- 3 fixed tabs on the main screen, that don't move into the ActionBar even if the screen is large enough. The second of these tabs contains...
- About 4 tabs that were loaded from a server when the user logged in the first time. Each of these contains
- About 10 swipable tabs (like in the Play Store) that were loaded from a server when the user logged in the first time. My idea here is to use ViewPagerIndicator, since that library is written by the same guy who ActionBarSherlock which should keep problems down to a minimum. But I'm open to ideas here). Each of these swipable tabs contains something that is currently a Fragment, but could be changed.
The Problem
When this was an Android 2 app, it simply used nested TabActivities, but these don't work with all the Android 4 stuff. I don't understand how to do this probably, especially the "you can't nest fragments" restriction is causing me headaches. Also, it seems that you can only use one FragmentManager per Activity, so my idea to have one in each of the second row tabs didn't work (All except for the first tab remained empty). How to do this the right way?
(Please understand that "Use a different GUI design" is not an option since this is what the customer asked for and he won't reconsider)