I have a .tt script that needs to reference a couple of external assemblies.
Is it possible for the T4 host to automatically include the assemblies referenced in the project - rather than me manually adding an assembly directive for each one?
E.g. Referencing an assembly from a nuget is a moving target when using a path relative to $(ProjecDir)
Using assembly paths like $(Project)\bin\Debug\Example.dll
also seems less than optimal - as it requires the build to have been successful previously - which is probably not the case if you have a .tt file generating the "ErrorGeneratingOutput
" in a .cs file!?
Update 1:
So I have had a second stab at this but this time trying to tackle the issue around "TransformOnBuild" ( as a side note I can highly recommend @kzu's excellent project: https://github.com/clariuslabs/TransformOnBuild) and not having $(SolutionDir) available when not running TextTransform via direct from msbuild. Anyway - I came up with a 2-step solution.
msbuild target uses WriteLinesToFile task to generates a .tt file with a fresh list of assembly directives based on the references found in the csproj file.
Any other .tt files in the project can the include the auto-generated file to get project assemblies registered.
Here is an example of the target:
<Target Name="Write_AssemblyRefs_TT" BeforeTargets="TransformOnBuild">
<!-- A message for all to enjoy! -->
<WriteLinesToFile File="@(MyTextFile)"
Lines="<# /* AUTOGENERATED BY MSBUILD and Kern Herskind Nightingale */ #>"
Encoding="Unicode" />
<!-- Output all assembly references with a HintPath -->
<WriteLinesToFile File="@(MyTextFile)"
Lines="<#@ assembly name="$(ProjectDir)%(Reference.HintPath)" #>"
Condition="'%(Reference.HintPath)' != ''" />
<!-- Output all project references - this could fail with custom nameing/build output dirs -->
<WriteLinesToFile File="@(MyTextFile)"
Lines="<#@ assembly name="$(ProjectDir)%(ProjectReference.RelativeDir)bin\$(Configuration)\%(ProjectReference.Name).dll" #>"
Encoding="Unicode" />
<MyTextFile Include="AssemblyRefs.tt" />
And how to include it in the T4 file (trivial):
<#@ include file="AssemblyRefs.tt" #>
Code generation for the code generator :)
Update 2:
I have created a Nuget package to make it easy to add the above assembly directive generation build target: https://www.nuget.org/packages/AssemblyReferencesTT/1.0.12