Something went wrong when I try to access the memory layout of a derived class object which inherits from a virtual base class.
Programming environment: GNU/Linux 3.19.0-32-generic, x86_64
Compiler: gcc 4.8.4
//virtual base class
class Base {
public :
virtual void f() {
cout << "Base::f()" << endl;
long x;
//derived class
class Derived : public virtual Base {
virtual void f() {
cout << "Derived::f()" << endl;
long y;
int main() {
typedef void (*FUNC)(void);
Derived d;
//In my machine, sizeof(long) == sizeof(pointers). My code below is neither portable nor concise. You can just read the annotation.
//dereference the first element of the first virtual function table(equals to *(vptr1->slot[0]))
cout << hex << *((long*)*((long*)(&d) + 0) + 0) << endl;
((FUNC)*((long*)*((long*)(&d) + 0) + 0))();//invoke Derived::f()
//dereference the first element of the second virtual function table(equals to *(vptr2->slot[0]))
cout << hex << *((long*)*((long*)(&d) + 2) + 0) << endl;
((FUNC)*((long*)*((long*)(&d) + 2) + 0))();//maybe Derived::f()?
return 0;
When I run the code, I got "segment fault":
segment fault
So I disassembly the executable file.
I found the function <_ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv> in 0x400c3c:
0000000000400c3c <_ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv>:
400c3c: 4c 8b 17 mov (%rdi),%r10
400c3f: 49 03 7a e8 add -0x18(%r10),%rdi
400c43: eb cd jmp 400c12 <_ZN7Derived1fEv>
400c45: 90 nop
Demangle the symbol in my terminal:
> c++filt _ZTv0_n24_N7Derived1fEv
virtual thunk to Derived::f()
Then what is a virtual thunk to Derived::f()?Why is it there?