I have eclipse and j developer,I am more comfortable with eclipse.I want to know how to setup the JDBC driver in eclipse,I downloaded a driver from oracle.com but it does not appear anywhere when I browse after clicking 'external jars' in 'java build path' in "libraries" tab. My database is Oracle express edition.
Are there any good pdf's or tutorials for java application development?I want to make a front end application where I enter data into fields and it inserts into DB,and make it such that we can also retrieve information when we enter for example an ID.
What are the materials required for this?I don't want to learn too deep but I want to learn in the process(this is not a project just something I wanna achieve this month) so I am guessing i need 1. a book on awt,swing classes 2. I need to set this JDBC thing I don't understand how to get it up and running in eclipse,i type code it gives me error. 3.a book on how to connect java to oracle express edition DB. I have JDK
Thanks in advance(i'm a beginner ;))
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
is returning a not found? Or do you need help invoking the driver? – Monegasque