My application is using JSPM and SystemJS for module loading and is using angular.
My config.js file has angular map like:
"angular": "github:angular/[email protected]"
So when I do import angular from 'angular'
, I am getting the angular.js file from the Path specified in config.js file. That's good.
Now the requirement is I want to use minified third party javascript files (angular.min.js) in the app. But there is no minified files in jspm registry
So the initial loading time of my application is high because of so many large files e.g. angular.js, browser.js etc. that takes too much time to load.
I know, I can do a jspm bundle
to minify all dependency files recursively which includes vendors' files also. But my questions are:
1 - Is it possible to use vendor's minified file (angular.min.js) directly with JSPM? It is good to use vendor's minified file rather than minifying them ourshelves, Isn't it?
2 - If above one is not possible, then how can I bundle only my application specific files and still able to use (bundle separately) minified angular.js file?
What is the recommended approach here?