I am using the FOSRestBundle and was wondering is it possible to validate against empty query parameters using annotations?
For example when calling: /comments/1
an exception is thrown since both dealId
and source
query parameters haven't been set.
However calling /comments/1?dealId=1&source=
is fine even though the source
value hasn't ben set and doesn't match the regex outlined in the annotation.
Controller function:
* Get a single comment.
* @Annotations\QueryParam(name="dealId", requirements="\d+", strict=true, description="The deal the comments belong to.")
* @Annotations\QueryParam(name="source", requirements="(forum|blog)", strict=true, description="The source of the comments.")
* @Annotations\View()
* @Annotations\Get("/comments/{id}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"})
public function getCommentAction(Request $request, ParamFetcherInterface $paramFetcher, $id)
$dealId = $paramFetcher->get('dealId');
$source = $paramFetcher->get('source');
// TODO: Implement
return [ 'id' => $id, 'dealId' => $dealId, 'source' => $source ];
I raised this issue on the FOSRestBundle's GitHub repo too and it looks as if what I am asking for is currently not possible due to the limitations of the Regex validator that is being used.