Here is a sample of a delphi application I am making using firemonkey + Delphi XE2.
As you can see, you can use the visual style "stylebook" in Firemonkey to customize the appearance of most things inside the window frame. However the outside of the window frame is drawn using whatever style Windows decides. Now if I was using VCL instead of Firemonkey, I could apply "VCL Styles" and "skin" the whole VCL application in a dark color scheme.
My guess is that this is NOT YET posssible with Delphi XE2 + Firemonkey. Can anyone show how to do this?
At designtime, the "preview" of your form shows a nice black border. But when I run my app, the Windows XP "Luna" theme border (the blue parts in the picture below) looks atrocious. Ironically, the VCL is prettier (in XE2 with styles) than Firemonkey...