I am outlining my plan to implement C2DM into an application and have a basic (read: stupid) question about the Auth tokens.
The client server needs to register with the google c2dm service using the white listed account:
For testing:
curl https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin -d Email=theEmailYouWhitelisted -d Passwd=pass****word -d accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE -d source="your_app_name_and_ver_for_logging_purposes_only" -d service=ac2dm
My question is, does this happen once per application per c2dm account - ie: get the one server generated auth code using your whitelisted account, store it, then every time a message gets sent retrieve it and use:
curl --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=**authFromRegistrationAbove**" "https://android.apis.google.com/c2dm/send" -d registration_id=**phoneRegistrationId(reciever)** -d "data.message=StringToPass" -d collapse_key=something -k
Or do you have to request a new Auth code for every message being pushed?