I agree with Rainer Joswig's answer; in general, this is a very difficult task to solve because macros can do a whole lot. However, I would point out that in many cases, the easiest way to unit test your macros is by making the macros do as little as possible. In many cases, the easiest implementation of a macro is just syntactic sugar around a simpler function. E.g., there's a typical pattern of with-… macros in Common Lisp (e.g., with-open-file), where the macro simply encapsulates some boilerplate code:
(defun make-frob (frob-args)
;; do something and return the resulting frob
(list 'frob frob-args))
(defun cleanup-frob (frob)
(declare (ignore frob))
;; release the resources associated with the frob
(defun call-with-frob (frob-args function)
(let ((frob (apply 'make-frob frob-args)))
(unwind-protect (funcall function frob)
(cleanup-frob frob))))
(defmacro with-frob ((var &rest frob-args) &body body)
(list ,@frob-args)
(lambda (,var)
The first two functions here, make-frob and cleanup-frob are relatively straightforward to unit test. The call-with-frob is a bit harder. The idea is that it's supposed to handle the boilerplate code of creating the frob and ensuring that the cleanup call happens. That's a bit harder to check, but if the boilerplate only depends on some well defined interfaces, then you'll probably be able to create mock up a frob that can detect whether it's cleaned up correctly. Finally, the with-frob macro is so simple that you can probably test it the way you've been considering, i.e., checking its expansion. Or you might say that it's simple enough that you don't need to test it.
On the other hand, if you're looking at a much more complex macro, such as loop, which is really a kind of compiler in its own right, you're almost certainly already going to have the expansion logic in some separate functions. E.g., you might have
(defmacro loop (&body body)
(compile-loop body))
in which case you really don't need to test loop, you need to test compile-loop, and then you're back in the realm of your usual unit testing.