I am building an application that is an enterprise management system using gae. I have built several applications using gae and the datastore, but never one that will require a high volume of users entering transactions along with the need for administrative and management reporting. My biggest fear is that when I need to create cross-tab and other detailed reports (or business intelligence reporting and data manipulation) I will be facing a mountain of problems with gae's datastore querying and data pull limits. Is it really just architectural preference or are there quantitative concerns here?
In the past I have built systems using C++/c#/Java against an Oracle/MySql/MSSql (with a caching layer sprinkled in for some added performance on complex or frequently accessed db results).
I keep reading that we are to throw away the old mentality of relational data and move to the new world of the big McHashTable in the sky... but new isnt always better... Any insight or experience on the above would be helpful.