We have a pyspark based application and we are doing a spark-submit as shown below. Application is working as expected, however we are seeing a weird warning message. Any way to handle this or why is this coming ?
Note: The cluster is Azure HDI Cluster.
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --jars file:/<localpath>/* --py-files pyFiles/__init__.py,pyFiles/<abc>.py,pyFiles/<abd>.py --files files/<env>.properties,files/<config>.json main.py
warning seen is:
warnings.warn( /usr/hdp/current/spark3-client/python/pyspark/context.py:256: RuntimeWarning: Failed to add file [file:///home/sshuser/project/pyFiles/abc.py] speficied in 'spark.submit.pyFiles' to Python path:
above warning coming for all files i.e abc.py, abd.py etc (which ever passed to --py-files to)