I'm well familiar with the apriori algorithm, and the meaning of support/confidence/lift.
I'm currently using the apyori apriori implementation, and I'm not sure I understand the output of an apyori.apriori()
It comes out like this
> RelationRecord(items=frozenset({'item1', 'item2'}),
> support=0.15365410803449842,
> ordered_statistics=[OrderedStatistic(items_base=frozenset({'item1'}),
> items_add=frozenset({'item2'}), confidence=0.6203420891875382,
> lift=2.2233410344037092),
> OrderedStatistic(items_base=frozenset({'item2'}),
> items_add=frozenset({'item1'}), confidence=0.5507049891540131,
> lift=2.2233410344037097)])
What is the rule? There are multiple support/confidence/lift, what each one denotes?
I'd appreciate a dictionary style explanation of each part of the output