tl;dr: I want to predict file copy completion. What are good methods given the start time and the current progress?
Firstly, I am aware that this is not at all a simple problem, and that predicting the future is difficult to do well. For context, I'm trying to predict the completion of a long file copy.
Current Approach:
At the moment, I'm using a fairly naive formula that I came up with myself: (ETC stands for Estimated Time of Completion)
ETC = currTime + elapsedTime * (totalSize - sizeDone) / sizeDone
This works on the assumption that the remaining files to be copied will do so at the average copy speed thus far, which may or may not be a realistic assumption (dealing with tape archives here).
- PRO: The ETC will change gradually, and becomes more and more accurate as the process nears completion.
- CON: It doesn't react well to unexpected events, like the file copy becoming stuck or speeding up quickly.
Another idea:
The next idea I had was to keep a record of the progress for the last n seconds (or minutes, given that these archives are supposed to take hours), and just do something like:
ETC = currTime + currAvg * (totalSize - sizeDone)
This is kind of the opposite of the first method in that:
- PRO: If the speed changes quickly, the ETC will update quickly to reflect the current state of affairs.
- CON: The ETC may jump around a lot if the speed is inconsistent.
I'm reminded of the control engineering subjects I did at uni, where the objective is essentially to try to get a system that reacts quickly to sudden changes, but isn't unstable and crazy.
With that said, the other option I could think of would be to calculate the average of both of the above, perhaps with some kind of weighting:
- Weight the first method more if the copy has a fairly consistent long-term average speed, even if it jumps around a bit locally.
- Weight the second method more if the copy speed is unpredictable, and is likely to do things like speed up/slow down for long periods, or stop altogether for long periods.
What I am really asking for is:
- Any alternative approaches to the two I have given.
- If and how you would combine several different methods to get a final prediction.