A problem is occurring with the angular materials mat-stepper
when working with dynamic forms. For example I have a stepper with 3 steps each having there own form. The first step however uses a hidden form to determine if it is valid or not as this step can dynamically add more forms so binding all of them to the step is impossible.
When you are on the first step you can create multiple forms and everything works as expected without any random validation occurring to the new forms added. The problem occurs if you go to step 2 or 3 and come back to the first step and then create a new form it will automatically start with all the fields highlighted red.
I have tried many different attempts to suppress however I have not been successful. Below is a basic example of how my first step contains a hiddenForm bound to the step control, a default form, and a button to create more forms in that step.
My research into trying to fix this is leading me to believe that the material stepper is making all mat-form-fields to be red if invalid, regardless if newly added or not.
<mat-horizontal-stepper [linear]="true">
<mat-step [stepControl]="hiddenForm" label="step 1"
<form [formGroup]="myForm">
First Name
<input [formControl]="firstName"matInput>
<mat-error *ngIf="!firstName.valid && firstName.touched">
First Name required
<button (click)="AddNewForm()">Add New Form</button>
Failed attempts tried: (Current form is the newly added form)
<mat-step [completed]="true" ..> ( on all steps )