I found few ways to detect where window support current URI scheme for Firefox and Chrome browser, if application not registered i will download and register those application uri
var appWindow = window.open('alert:"Hello%20World"',"_self");
if(appWindow!=null){alert("it is worked")}
$("body").append('<span id="__protoProxy"></span>');
function queryWord(aWord)
var protoProxy = document.getElementById('__protoProxy');
if (protoProxy)
var word = aWord.replace('"','\"');
protoProxy.innerHTML = '<div style="display:none;"><iframe id="iframe01" src="alert://'+ word + '"></iframe></div>';
queryWord('hello world');
if(document.getElementById('iframe01').contentDocument.body.innerHTML!=""){alert("it is worked")}
but in IE i am unable to perform this action even though URI is not registered in windows, IE open window to select app from windows store.
Is there any way to detect in IE ?
Is there any way to detect it commonly across all browser ?
How does citrix launcher works in all browser?