I just made one test purchase for an item, and it failed because my Wi-fi died, but for some reason Google Play then gave me a message that the order was pending or something and that I should check it on some link (I forgot to write it down).
When I tried to make that same test purchase again, Google Play gave me that "You already own this item" error. Said purchase is NOT in my order history in the Google Play dashboard.
What's going on, and how do I resolve this?
EDIT: Clearing the Google Play Store cache, clearing the Google Services Framework cache, and reinstalling the app does not work.
I managed to resolve this issue by Force Stopping the Google Play Store app, clearing its data, then restarting it. Right now, I can only conclude that the purchases made when the Wi-fi is disconnected is in the Play Store app's Data, not Cache.
My question thus becomes: Is it the developer's responsibility to handle this particular case (when the solution is not within the app itself), and how does one handle it?