There are two ways of getting the WSDL.
One where a hard-coded wsdl is served, for example:
and another one where a generated wsdl is served, for example:
If you use the dynamic option it will use this code:
to get the URL that will be used in the generated WSDL. This code is in the class ListingAgent (in the package org.apache.axis2.transport.http).
From what you mentioned in your question if you want to have relative location it must be because you want to use it in multiple servers, so you would need to use the dynamic option.
One problem I found with the dynamic options is that if in the original WSDL the location is using HTTP, then in the generated one it will still use HTTP even if you have used HTTPS to access it. (This happens in version 1.5 which is the one my project is using)
Another problem is if you are using a load balancer, because the generated WSDL will be generated with the location of the final server instead of the balancer. An option for this would be to extend the classes AxisServlet and ListingAgent to replace the code mentioned above.