Probably not what you are looking for, but you can check out this blog post where I made similar proof of concept for journaling/versioning database. I have not used T4 (that is why I think this is probably not what you are looking for, but you may not find better solution) and generated entities, but inherited all entities from one base entity which had versioning properties.
Basically, I extended DbContext by overriding SaveChanges method, and set my versioning properties there:
foreach (var entry in this.ChangeTracker.Entries())
// Make sure that this customized save changes executes only for entities that
// inherit from our base entity (IEntity)
var entity = (entry.Entity as JEntity);
if (entity == null) continue;
switch (entry.State)
// In case entity is added, we need to set OriginalId AFTER it was saved to
// database, as Id is generated by database and cannot be known in advance.
// That is why we save reference to this object into insertedList and update
// original id after object was saved.
case System.Data.EntityState.Added:
entity.UserCreated = user;
entity.DateCreated = now;
// Deleted entity should only be marked as deleted.
case System.Data.EntityState.Deleted:
if (!entity.IsActive(now))
entity.DateDeleted = now;
entity.UserDeleted = user;
case System.Data.EntityState.Detached:
case System.Data.EntityState.Modified:
if (!entity.IsActive(now))
entity.UserCreated = user;
entity.DateCreated = now;
JEntity newVersion = this.Set(entity.GetType()).Create(entity.GetType()) as JEntity;
newVersion = this.Set(entity.GetType()).Add(newVersion) as JEntity;
entity.DateDeleted = newVersion.DateCreated;
entity.UserDeleted = user;
case System.Data.EntityState.Unchanged:
Link for full source code on github is in article.
This solution uses same table for current and past versions of entity, and I'm planning to improve this concept by trying to put all "deleted" versions of entities into separate table, which would be private on DbContext, and all logic for transfer of items to history would be on save changes. That way would allow exposed public dbset to contain only current versions of item, allowing for any dynamic-data-like generic solutions to be built on top of such context.