I am using RabbitMQ. For some reason the rabbitMQ service stops as soon as you start it. I saw following error in the event log:
RabbitMQ: Erlang machine stopped instantly (distribution name conflict?). The service is not restarted as OnFail is set to ignore.
Someone told me to run this command: erl -sname rabbit
This command generates following output:
{(no error logger present")i neirtr otre: r"mEirnraotri nign ipnr odcoe_sbso o<
t0".,2{.b0a>d awrigt,h[ {eexrilt_p rviaml_uleo:a d{ebra,dcahregc,k[_{feirlle__pr
I am not sure how to interpret this output. I wonder the error is specific to RabbitMQ or erlang.
I have no idea how to procceed. Please suggest.
file in the RabbitMQ configuration (base) folder. There was no mention of this problem anywhere in RabbitMQ logs, but an Erlang crash log (dump) file was neatly present right there, in the base directory. And it had the root cause explained. – Damn