To save someone having to do what I just did and make this - this only copies files with a different date modified time. I checked and rebuilding your app only changes this on a few files. This makes for a very fast self-loader that then starts the exe in the new location, and exits the exe doing the loading that was running from the old location. This may rely on a few things like your DLL running the code must be named the same as the EXE that starts it.
Works in .Net 5:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
namespace NetworkHelper
public static class LocalCopier
public static void EnsureRunningLocally(string callingAssemblyDotLocation)
var assemblyFileFriendlyName = Path.GetFileName(callingAssemblyDotLocation.Replace(".", "-"));
var assemblyDirToCheck = Path.GetDirectoryName(callingAssemblyDotLocation);
var localLocation = Configuration.Tools.AppsLocation + assemblyFileFriendlyName + "\\";
var assemblyFinalExePath = localLocation + assemblyFileFriendlyName.Replace("-dll", ".exe");
// Check what assembly passed in path starts with
var runningFromNetwork = callingAssemblyDotLocation.ToLower().StartsWith(@"\\w2k3nas1\");
if (callingAssemblyDotLocation.ToLower().StartsWith(@"i:\")) runningFromNetwork = true;
if (!runningFromNetwork) return;
// Check if copied to local already
// Foreach file in source dir, recursively
CopyOnlyDifferentFiles(assemblyDirToCheck, localLocation);
private static void CopyOnlyDifferentFiles(string sourceFolderPath, string destinationFolderPath)
string[] originalFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolderPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
Array.ForEach(originalFiles, (originalFileLocation) =>
FileInfo originalFile = new FileInfo(originalFileLocation);
FileInfo destFile = new FileInfo(originalFileLocation.Replace(sourceFolderPath, destinationFolderPath));
if (destFile.Exists)
if (originalFile.LastWriteTime != destFile.LastWriteTime)
originalFile.CopyTo(destFile.FullName, true);
originalFile.CopyTo(destFile.FullName, false);
Note that "\w2k3nas1" and "i:" are examples of network locations where if it is running from those, it should copy itself to a local directory, I use application data/roaming/localApps and then restart itself from the new directory.
This can all be put into a reference library and be called from any client apps with:
(Here, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location is passed in from the calling app, because if you were to run that from in the reference project, you'd get that library's dll instead.)