I am trying to conditionally disable a Storybook.js control based on the value of another argument. For example, I have a modal component that can be of type 'alert', 'confirmation', 'content', or 'photo'. All of these modal types, except for 'photo', also require a content prop of type string. The photo modal does not require this content prop because it does not display any text.
So I would like to disable the content control in Storybook whenever the type prop is selected as 'photo'.
I first tried writing a custom propType validator, but Storybook thinks this prop is supposed to be a function: Custom PropType validator in Storybook
Now I am trying to disable the control in the component's storybook file:
export default {
title: 'Global Design System/Modal',
component: Modal,
argTypes: {
type: {
control: {
type: 'select',
options: [
content: {
table: {
disable: function() {
return this.argTypes.type === 'photo'
But in this case I do not have a way of referencing the current value of 'type'