I have 3 relevant tables/models. I would like to retrieve the user which has organized a party, given a Party record, a join table with a boolean organized
column, and a users table.
My best attempt so far (this one makes the most sense to me after much fiddling). I've omitted the irrelevant columns.
class Party
# party_id
has_many :parties_users
has_many :users, through: :parties_users, source: :user
has_one :organizer,
-> { where organizer: true },
through: :parties_users,
source: :user
class PartiesUser
# party_id
# user_id
# organized:bool
belongs_to :party
belongs_to :user
class User
# user_id
has_many : parties_users
The above setup raises the following error, which I honestly don't fully understand:
ActiveRecord::HasOneThroughCantAssociateThroughCollection (Cannot have a has_one :through association 'Party#organizer' where the :through association 'Party#parties_users' is a collection. Specify a has_one or belongs_to association in the :through option instead.)
I know I can do this via an instance method, but given the frequency types of use, my app would massively benefit from having this as an association.
should not contain the data related to who organized the party, but the party itself should havebelongs_to :organizer, class_name: 'User'
(or a separateorganizers
if you want many-to-many) – Fun