As the documentation says, they both deal with transforming non-stream plugins to stream.
What I try to understand is, if I can use the .pipe()
method on something, doesn't it mean it's a stream?
If so, what do I convert to what here?
vinyl-source-stream example:
var browserify = require('browserify')
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
var size = require('gulp-size')
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task('build', function() {
var bundler = browserify('./index.js')
return bundler.pipe()
.pipe(buffer()) // <---------------------- why?
gulp-streamify example:
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
var streamify = require('gulp-streamify')
var browserify = require('browserify')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task('browserify', function() {
var bundleStream = browserify('index.js').bundle()
.pipe(streamify(uglify())) // <----------- why?