I have a web application running on Jetty 6 + Open JDK 7 on Debian 6.0.7. I have a security requirement to accept a TLS handshake but not an SSLv3.0 handshake when a client initiates an HTTPS connection.
In my jetty.xml I set the protocol to TLS:
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.security.SslSocketConnector">
<Set name="protocol">TLS</Set>
With this configuration, the web server still appears to accept an SSLv3.0 handshake. This has been verified with the 'sslscan' tool and running 'curl -sslv3 -kv {host}'.
Is it possible to configure Jetty to only accept a TLS handshake? I would be willing to upgrade my Jetty version if needed.