I have a function in a package I'm building that assigns a hex-code to the global environment for use by analysts...
value=rgb(red=129,green=61,blue=114, maxColorValue = 255),
My unit test code is:
test_that("optiplum - produces the correct hex code",{
When I run the code manually, there isn't an error:
> str(optiplum)
chr "#813D72"
> str("#813D72")
chr "#813D72"
> identical("#813D72",optiplum)
[1] TRUE
> expect_true(identical(optiplum,"#813D72"))
When I run a test_file() is also does not error
> test_file("./tests/testthat/test-optiplum.R")
optiplum : .
However, when I run the test as part of my devtools workflow:
> test()
Testing optINTERNAL
Loading optINTERNAL
optiplum : 1
1. Failure: optiplum - produces the correct hex code --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
identical(optiplum, "#813D72") isn't true
Anyone have any ideas on why this might be occurring and how I can resolve the situation?
does it's best to isolate your tests from the global environment. What you're doing is usually a bad idea. Why not just haveoptiplum <- function() "#813D72"
? – Melva