I'm trying to build a web-based SaaS solution, and I hit a road where I'm not sure to use multi tenancy or multi instance. I will try to describe what I'm trying to achieve, and each approach advantages and disadvantages (my opinion, according to what I read). Please include your suggestions in case I missed anything in one approach over the other.
The application that I'm trying to build is, as I mentioned, a SaaS solution where companies can create their accounts, and each account/company has it's own users, customers, products, services...etc. Each user; who is a company employee; related to one account/company will have access only to his/her company customers, products, and services. Companies could have unlimited number of customers, products and services, thus each company should have it's own data center.
For that I decided to create a shared database (saving all users credentials for login purposes) and multiple databases shared schema (database per account/company). Basically, Multi Tenancy.
Then somebody suggested to use Multi Instance instead, where each company will have its own instance of the application (i.e. code, libraries, database, frameworks... etc) totally separated from the other companies. This sounds better as I don't have to take care of an extra layer where I need to make sure that each tenant's users have access only to their company's data. I think it's good to mention that I'm depending on Docker to achieve this approach (I've never used it before), but I think it lacks features (more on those later) I will need in the future (at least I didn't find them with a little bit of search).
However, each approach comes with pros and cons, so I couldn't make a decision with which approach to go. Here is a list, but bear with me as I lack the knowledge in them both, so there could be something that I'm not aware of, or a solution for a problem I didn't find on the web: [Each approach has an ordered list of which I followed a one by one comparison]
Multi Tenancy:
- Shared host/hardware, shared code, and multi database.
- It's easier to extend the functionality of the code and fix bugs (shared code).
- It's harder to extend the hardware (could use a cloud service), or move the database of individual tenant to another system without doing changes to the code.
- Most importantly, as I mentioned before, I need to add an extra layer to the system to make sure that the user is actually belongs to his/her company, and not accessing other company's information.
Multi Instance:
- Shared or unshared host/hardware, code per instance, and database per instance.
- It's harder to extend the functionality or fix bugs (I'm not sure if there is a way to do it in Docker where you can add functionality/feature to one instance or Docker container, and deploy it to the others).
- It's easier to move the whole instance to a different host/hardware.
- As the instance, I don't need to take care of that layer as each instance will have its own database.
All of the advantages and disadvantages are redundant in case I want to do anything manually (as creating an instance for each tenant manually), and that's why I doubt the Docker solution, unless there is a way to solve that, which is maybe the main reason of the question. I would appreciate it if you would answer the question with references to the solutions, and why do you think this approach is better than the other.
In case that would help (maybe?), we're using Laravel as the main framework for the back-end (all RESTfully).