[Pictures below to picture the problem]
Hi all!!
I'm trying to make a top down game where there are zombies who chase the player. I'm new to Godot and everything was fine until I had to make the enemies follow the player.
In fact, that was easy with this code (it is in the main scene where the enemies are instantiated):
func move_enemy():
var enemy = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("Enemy")
for i in range(0, enemy.size()):
enemy[i].velocity = ($Player.position - enemy[i].position).normalized() * speed
enemy[i].set_nav() #explained later
enemy[i].get_next() #explained later
This was working fine but the enemies didn't dodge walls and obstacles, so I tried the navigation path system.
In the enemy scene I put a NavigationAgent2D node and this code:
func set_nav():
var player = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("Player")
$nav.target_position = player[0].global_position
func get_next():
In the map scene I have a NavigationRegion2D
This is just not working. The enemies chase the player but don't follow the paths. Images to explain.
In first image you can se the navigation polygon. The enmies Spawn at the top left marker.
In second image you can see that even where there is a path to follow, the enemy don't follow it and goes straight to the wall.
Path desired distance is 10
Target desired distance is 10
Path Max distance is 10.
Thank you for your time!