I am in the early stages of planning a REST api, and I would like for it to adhere to the HATEOAS constraint of REST. But I would also like to provide a JSON format. So my question is if there are conventions out there to represent links and forms in JSON.
I have found examples of links, and it looks like this is a pretty common way of representing links:
"links": [
{"rel": "self", "href":"http://example.org/entity/1"},
{"rel": "friends", "href":"http://example.org/entity/1/friends"}]
Representing forms on the other hand, is not something that I have seen much of. I was thinking that perhaps somebody had sat down and thought up something along these lines, but considered all the caveats:
"forms" : [
{"rel" : "new client", "action" : "/clients", "method": "post",
"fields" : ["name":"string", "zipcode":"int", "signedup":"date", "state": ["Alabama",...]...]}]
The inspiration for this comes from looking at this video, where Jon Moore suggests that JSON is not a good format for a hypermedia api:
A really good talk by the way!
All input is appreciated!