I am working on app that can alert users for some critical things. I use local notifications to alert the user. On iOS, I find that the notifications will not ring if the phone is on vibrate. This is a deal-breaker for many users of the app but I have been putting that question off till now since I thought that iOS doesn't allow an app to play a sound if the app is in the background.
Music apps are able to play songs even when the phone is on vibrate by enabling the audio background mode but it doesn't allow you to schedule a song to be played at a certain time.
Lately I have seen that some apps are able to play a sound at a certain time even though the app is in the background. One such app is Alarmy alarm app. I don't think that they are playing the music via the local notification when the alarm expires because the music continues to play even after I clear the notification. From the local notification documentation, I understood that I am can't run any code when local notification fires till the user clicks on the notification. So, I can't start an audio player which may be able to play the sound in vibrate.
How are such apps able to play a sound even though the phone is on vibate and the app is in background in iOS?