I have class called Chicken and in Chicken I have some methods, so in another class where I instantiate and call methods on Chicken, I might do something like this:
Chicken chicken = new Chicken("Name","Description")
public void UpdateChicken(Chicken chicken)
Is the above fine or does it present problems, if so, is it better to have another class, such as ChickenCalculations and do something like:
public void UpdateChick(Chicken chicken)
Here is an implementation:
Chicken chicken = new Chicken("Bob","Coolest Chicken", 4, 123, 5, 388, true, false, true);
Chicken anotherChicken = new Chicken()
Here is a more practical example instead of using a Chicken:
public class AirlineBooking
int BookingId {get;set;}
string Name {get;set;}
string Description {get;set;}
decimal Price {get;set;}
decimal Tax {get;set;}
string seat {get;set;}
bool IsActive {get;set;}
bool IsCanceld {get;set;}
public AirlineBooking(string name, string description, decimal price,
decimal tax, string seat, bool isActive, bool isCanceled)
Name = name;
Description = description;
Price = price;
Tax = tax;
Seat = seat;
IsActive = isActive;
IsCanceled = isCanceled;
public Update(AirlineBooking airlineBooking, int id)
//Call stored proc here to update booking by id
public class BookingSystem
//Create new booking
AirlineBooking booking = new AirlineBooking("ticket-1",
"22A",true, false);
//Change properties and update.
booking.Name ="ticket-2";
booking.Description = "desc2";
booking.Price = 200.52;
booking.Tax = 38.50;
public void UpdateBooking(AirlineBooking booking, int id)
/* This is the meat of the question, should the passed in booking to
update itself or should I have a Service Class , such as
AirlineBookingOperations with an update method. */
sufficient? – Diathermicchicken.Update()
? Btw you may want to provide a more meaningful example. It's hard to discuss design decisions when you're in a nonsensical domain. – CharmingUpdate
is supposed to do. What happens in the last example to anotherChicken and to chicken? – Charming