I ran into this issue, too, with an NSDate
core data attribute. I don't need it to be stored externally, but could not find any checkbox to unset (Xcode 4.2). However, it was clearly there when I ack
ed for it:
> ack -aiQ external Collections.xcdatamodeld
12: <attribute name="createdAt" attributeType="Date" allowsExternalBinaryDataStorage="YES" indexed="YES" syncable="YES"/>
So I just deleted and re-created that attribute with the same name. The allowsExternalBinaryDataStorage
XML attribute went away and so did my crash. I must've inadvertently checked something during a beta release of iOS 5 or something and it just got stuck in the data model, quietly waiting until I tried to delete an object.
Anyway, perhaps this will help other folks who run into what appears to be an iOS bug but don't need the attribute in question to be stored externally.