I'm trying to add the option to my app to allow for different languages when using Apple's Vision framework for recognising text.
There seems to be a function for programmatically returning the supported languages but I'm not sure if I'm calling it correctly because I'm only getting "en-US" back which I'm fairly sure isn't the only supported language?
Here's what I currently have:
// current revision number of Vision
let revision = VNRecognizeTextRequest.currentRevision
var possibleLanguages: Array<String> = []
do {
possibleLanguages = try VNRecognizeTextRequest.supportedRecognitionLanguages(for: .accurate,
revision: revision)
} catch {
print("Error getting the supported languages.")
print("Possible languages for revision \(revision):\n(possibleLanguages.joined(separator: "\n"))")
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.