I'm using the LiipImagineBundle with Symfony 2.1 and would like to resize user uploaded images upon upload before saving them to the permanent filesystem location (to strip metadata, impose jpeg format, and limit the size of the file). I have to call a 'strip' and 'resize' filter from the controller and then save the filtered image from a temporary location to a folder of my choosing in the filesystem.
I tried to use the LiipImageBundle Controller as a service as indicated in the bundle's readme but the called Action is mainly for creating a filtered image in the cache directory when a request is made to display the image (using it for filtering during uploading is another case). I tried to implement it as follows anyways, and got it to work. I had to first move the file from the web server's php temporary directory to a directory in the web folder to be able to apply the filter. Secondly, I applied the filter and deleted (unlink()) the initial unfiltered file. Lastly, I had to move (rename()) the filtered file to the permanent location in the filesystem. It was necessary to move the file twice, apply the filter once, and delete (unlink) 1 file to make it all work. Is there a better way (not requiring the intermediate move) to use the bundle at upload?
class MyController extends Controller
public function new_imageAction(Request $request)
$uploadedFile = $request->files->get('file');
$tmpFolderPathAbs = $this->get('kernel')->getRootDir() . '/../web/uploads/tmp/';
$tmpImageNameNoExt = rand();
$tmpImageName = $tmpImageNameNoExt . '.' . $fileExtension;
$uploadedFile->move($tmpFolderPathAbs, $tmpImageName);
$tmpImagePathRel = '/uploads/tmp/' . $tmpImageName;
// Create the filtered image in a tmp folder:
$this->container->get('liip_imagine.controller')->filterAction($request, $tmpImagePathRel, 'my_filter');
unlink($tmpFolderPathAbs . $tmpImageName);
$filteredImagePathAbs = $this->get('kernel')->getRootDir() . '/../web/uploads/cache/my_filter/uploads/tmp/' . $tmpImageNameNoExt . '.jpeg';
$imagePath = $imageManagerResponse->headers->get('location');
// define permanent location ($permanentImagePathAbs)...
rename($filteredImagePathAbs, $permanentImagePathAbs);
My filter in the app/config/config.yml is as follows:
format: jpeg
strip: ~
thumbnail: { size: [1600, 1000], mode: inset }
A similar question was asked for the ImagineAvalancheBundle but no much details are given. Perhaps implementing another service from the here provided list is a better solution?