Kotlin + Maven:
To generate the Spring Component Index when building with Maven and Kotlin:
Kotlin Maven Plugin includes Kapt - Kotlin Annotation Processing Tool. It has a goal kapt
which needs to execute before compile
(it uses the sources, not the bytecode.
See also:
I put the execution into a profile, so that I can get rid of this if not needed.
mvn install -PcreateSpringComponentIndex
Important: You need to keep this updated for each compilation as a matter of habit, otherwise Spring won't pick the new(ly) annotated classes as components! That also means, that if skipping the generation, you need to mvn clean
Important: When using "shading" (putting all classes and resources into a single flat jar), the files META-INF/spring.components
need to be merged! Otherwise one of them will be picked randomly and Spring won't detect any other components. (It's better to avoid shading and pack the dependencies as JARs within a JAR).
<!-- May speed up the app boot by a couple of seconds. See https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/core.html#beans-scanning-index -->
– Snip