First, I must admit that my statistics knowledge is rusty at best: even when it was shining new, it's not a discipline I particularly liked, which means I had a hard time making sense of it.
Nevertheless, I took a look at how the barplot graphs were calculating error bars, and was surprised to find a "confidence interval" (CI) used instead of (the more common) standard deviation. Researching more CI led me to this wikipedia article which seems to say that, basically, a CI is computed as:
Or, in pseudocode:
def ci_wp(a):
"""calculate confidence interval using Wikipedia's formula"""
m = np.mean(a)
s = 1.96*np.std(a)/np.sqrt(len(a))
return m - s, m + s
But what we find in seaborn/ is:
def ci(a, which=95, axis=None):
"""Return a percentile range from an array of values."""
p = 50 - which / 2, 50 + which / 2
return percentiles(a, p, axis)
Now maybe I'm missing this completely, but this seems just like a completely different calculation than the one proposed by Wikipedia. Can anyone explain this discrepancy?
To give another example, from comments, why do we get so different results between:
array([ 2.475, 96.525])
>>> ci_wp(np.arange(100))
And to compare with other statistical tools:
def ci_std(a):
"""calculate margin of error using standard deviation"""
m = np.mean(a)
s = np.std(a)
return m-s, m+s
def ci_sem(a):
"""calculate margin of error using standard error of the mean"""
m = np.mean(a)
s = sp.stats.sem(a)
return m-s, m+s
Which gives us:
>>> ci_sem(np.arange(100))
(46.598850802411796, 52.401149197588204)
>>> ci_std(np.arange(100))
(20.633929952277882, 78.366070047722118)
Or with a random sample:
rng = np.random.RandomState(10)
a = rng.normal(size=100)
print ci_wp(a)
print ci_sem(a)
print ci_std(a)
... which yields:
[-1.9667006 2.19502303]
(-0.1101230745774124, 0.26895640045116026)
(-0.017774461397903049, 0.17660778727165088)
(-0.88762281417683186, 1.0464561400505796)
Why are Seaborn's numbers so radically different from the other results?
givesarray([ 2.475, 96.525])
, the direct computationnp.mean(np.arange(100))-np.arange(100).std()*1.96/10
. – Abnermean +/- std
gives:(20.633929952277882, 78.366070047722118)
– Naphthol