I have
public static class A
public static string ConnString;
public class Test{
// Accesing A's field;
public string ConnString{get{return A.ConnString;}set{A.ConnString=value;}}
void Main()
A.ConnString = "InitialString"; // I set A.ConnString in the current domain
var newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("DomNew");
Test TObj = newDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(Test).Assembly.FullName, typeof(Test).FullName) as Test ;
TObj.ConnString = "NewDomainString"; // It is supposed to set A.ConnString in the newDomain aka a different instance of A.ConnString
// Here it is supposed to print two different values
Console.WriteLine(A.ConnString); // "InitialString"
Console.WriteLine(TObj.ConnString); // "NewDomainString"
But NO! The two WriteLines, print out the same value "NewDomainString"! WHY???
this code
TObj.ConnString = "NewDomainString"
is supposed to change the string in the newly created domain, but it seems they both refer to the same instance!
Why, what is happening here?