I want to write a generic builder class which wraps around any java class and providing setter functions of a specific style. I am not sure if this could be called "dynamically generated functions".
When I have a beanish Pojo class i.e.
class Pojo {
public void setValue(int value) {...}
public void setName(String name) {...}
My Maker
class should be usable like this:
Pojo p = Builder<Pojo>.create(new Pojo())
As you can see, the work it does should be similar to
class PojoBuilder {
private Pojo pojo;
PojoBuilder(Pojo pojo) { this.pojo = pojo; }
public static PojoMaker create(Pojo p) { return new PojoBuilder(p); }
public PojoBuilder setName(String name) { pojo.setName(name); return this; }
public PojoBuilder setValue(int val) { pojo.setValue(val); return this; }
public Pojo make() { return pojo; }
Only, I would like Maker
to be generic. Obviously, the "setXyz"-Methods depend on the generic argument. How to do that?
Of course, functionally equivalent but syntactically different approach is also fine.
I'd like to do it without annotations: With annotations I gather I'd need a second javac-pass over my source code, generating the wrapper code. That seems to be what Limbok does or how some JPA wrappers work. But when I work with Mockito it seems that this pass is not necessary. So, How can I do it with Generics?
is most certainly not. – Quibbling