Less mixins have the ability to use semicolon-separated arguments (as well as comma-separated). They recommend you always use semicolons.
If a semicolon is present in a list of arguments when the mixin is called, everything between semicolons will be considered as arguments, even if those things have commas in them. This allows you to pass a comma-separated list as ONE argument. If a semicolon is NOT present, it will treat commas as argument separators.
.transition(@property: all; @time: 1s; @timing: ease-in-out) { // NOTE THE SEMICOLONS
transition: @property @time @timing;
a {
.transition(color,opacity; .5s); // SEMICOLON AFTER 'opacity'
b {
.transition(color,opacity, .5s); // COMMA INSTEAD
a {
transition: color,opacity .5s ease-in-out;
b {
transition: color opacity .5s; // invalid syntax
Note that the syntax of the shorthand transition
property must be a comma-separated list of single transitions. So b
has an invalid value, and a
has two transitions, in which the unspecified values default to their initial value:
color 0s ease 0s
opacity .5s ease-in-out 0s
This is likely not what you intended. (It looks like you wanted color .5s ease-in-out 0s
and opacity .5s ease-in-out 0s
Now you might be wondering, "how do I pass a comma-separated list as a single argument, when there are no other arguments?" Simply append a dummy semicolon at the end of the list.
.transition(@property: all; @time: 1s; @timing: ease-in-out) {
transition: @property @time @timing;
b {
.transition(color,opacity;); // DUMMY SEMICOLON AFTER ARGUMENT
i {
.transition(color,opacity); // MISSING SEMICOLON
b {
transition: color,opacity 1s ease-in-out; // 'color,opacity' is the first argument
i {
transition: color opacity ease-in-out; // 'color' is 1st arg, 'opacity' is 2nd arg
Again, syntax for i
is invalid, and b
has two transitions:
color 0s ease 0s
opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s
shorthand property must be a comma-separated list of complete single transitions. see MDN – Lumbricalis