I had the same problem in SPA.
I fixed this by checking if current URL and new URL are the same - technically I don't prevent popstate but I prevent fetch if hash only changed.
So, I get current URL when page loaded. It must be var to be global:
var currentURL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + window.location.search;
Then when history change event fired (click by link, click native browser buttons 'back' 'forward') I check if current URL and new URL are the same (hash ignored).
If URLs are the same I make return, otherwise I update current URL.
let newURL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + window.location.search;
if ( currentURL == newURL ) return;
currentURL = newURL;
Additionally you can to see controller
code. I added it to be able stop loading when user click fast a few times 'back' or 'forward' so a few requests starter - but I need to load last one only.
Full solution of load html file when URL changed (ignore when hash only changed), with push to history, and workable 'back' and 'forward' buttons.
// get current URL when page loaded.
var currentURL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + window.location.search;
// function which load html.
window.xhrRequestDoc = ( currentLink, pushToHistory = true, scrollTo = 'body' ) => {
if ( pushToHistory ) {
history.pushState( null, null, currentLink );
// get new URL
let newURL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + window.location.search;
// return if hash only changed
if ( currentURL == newURL ) return;
// update URL
currentURL = newURL;
document.body.classList.add( 'main_loading', 'xhr_in_progress' );
// create controler to stop loading - used when user clicked a few times 'back' or 'forward'.
controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
fetch( currentLink, { signal: signal })
.then( response => response.text() )
.then( function( html ) {
// initialize the DOM parser and parse as html
let parser = new DOMParser();
let doc = parser.parseFromString( html, "text/html" );
// insert data and classes to 'body'
document.body.innerHTML = doc.querySelector( 'body' ).innerHTML;
} );
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', () => {
// if user clicked a few times 'back' or 'forward' - process last only
if ( document.querySelector( '.xhr_in_progress' ) ) controller.abort();
// run xhr
xhrRequestDoc( location.href, false );
is alsonull
, but still no hashchange – Coppage