Recently I was learning about ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and the 3 tier architecture style (presentation,business and data persistence). If I understand correctly, I can separate the data persistence layer into DTO and DAO layer.
I would like to understand, how the following parts works together in a data persistence layer.
- DAL (Data Access Layer)
- DTO (Data Transfer Object)
- DAO (Data Access Object)
In a top of that I learnt that
In larger applications MVC is the presentation tier only of an N-tier architecture.
I got really confused, how it can be even possible for example in a 3 tier architecture style where the MVC is the just a presentation tier, and the DTO, DAO, DAL is just a part of data persistence tier. I'm totally lost.
I'd be glad if someone tell me the truth about how does it works together.
Please don't close this question because the many different expressions, I saw it everywhere these things are related to each other basically in big applications and I can't imagine how does it works.
I appreciate any answer!