There are situations where ActiveRecord sets the alias table name if there are multiple joins with the same table. I'm stuck in a situation where these joins contain scopes (using 'merge').
I have a many-to-many relationship:
Models table_name:
Second models table_name:
Join table name:
A Post has many users through access_levels and vice versa.
Both, the User model and the Post model share the same relation:
has_many :access_levels, -> { merge(AccessLevel.valid) }
The scope inside of the AccessLevel model looks like this:
# v1
scope :valid, -> {
where("(valid_from IS NULL OR valid_from < :now) AND (valid_until IS NULL OR valid_until > :now)", :now =>
# v2
# scope :valid, -> {
# where("(#{table_name}.valid_from IS NULL OR #{table_name}.valid_from < :now) AND (#{table_name}.valid_until IS NULL OR #{table_name}.valid_until > :now)", :now =>
# }
I would like to call sth like this:
Post.joins(:access_levels).joins(:users).where (...)
ActiveRecord creates an alias for the second join ('access_levels_users'). I want to reference this table name inside of the 'valid' scope of the AccessLevel model.
V1 obviously generates a PG::AmbiguousColumn
V2 results in prefixing both conditions with access_levels.
, which is semantically wrong.
This is how I generate the query: (simplified)
# inside of a policy
scope = Post.
where("access_levels.level" => 1, "access_levels.user_id" =>
# inside of my controller
"hstore(array_agg(, array_agg( user_names"
The generated query looks like this (using the valid
scope v2 from above):
SELECT "posts".*, hstore(array_agg(, array_agg( user_names
FROM "posts"
INNER JOIN "access_levels" ON "access_levels"."post_id" = "posts"."id" AND (("access_levels"."valid_from" IS NULL OR "access_levels"."valid_from" < '2014-07-24 05:38:09.274104') AND ("access_levels"."valid_until" IS NULL OR "access_levels"."valid_until" > '2014-07-24 05:38:09.274132'))
INNER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "access_levels"."user_id"
INNER JOIN "access_levels" "access_levels_posts" ON "access_levels_posts"."post_id" = "posts"."id" AND (("access_levels"."valid_from" IS NULL OR "access_levels"."valid_from" < '2014-07-24 05:38:09.274675') AND ("access_levels"."valid_until" IS NULL OR "access_levels"."valid_until" > '2014-07-24 05:38:09.274688'))
WHERE "posts"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "access_levels"."level" = 4 AND "access_levels"."user_id" = 1 GROUP BY
ActiveRecord sets a propriate alias 'access_levels_posts' for the second join of the access_levels table.
The problem is that the merged valid
-scope prefixes the column with 'access_levels' instead of 'access_levels_posts'. I also tried to use arel to generate the scope:
# v3
scope :valid, -> {
where arel_table[:valid_from].eq(nil).or(arel_table[:valid_from].lt(
The resulting query remains the same.
scope tojoins(:user).where("(valid_from IS NULL OR valid_from < :now) AND (valid_until IS NULL OR valid_until > :now)", now: { active: true, or: something })
– Boilermaker