I was wondering if there is anything wrong (from a OOP point of view) in doing something like this:
class Foobar:
foobars = {}
def __init__(self, name, something):
self.name = name
self.something = something
Foobar.foobars[name] = self
Foobar('first', 42)
Foobar('second', 77)
for name in Foobar.foobars:
print name, Foobar.foobars[name]
EDIT: this is the actual piece of code I'm using right now
from threading import Event
class Task:
tasks = {}
def __init__(self, name, dep_names, job, ins, outs, uptodate, where):
self.name = name
self.dep_names = [dep_names] if isinstance(dep_names, str) else dep_names
self.job = job
self.where = where
self.done = Event()
self.status = Task.ADDED
self.jobs = []
# other stuff...
Task.tasks[name] = self
def set_done(self):
self.status = Task.DONE
def wait_for_deps(self):
self.status = Task.WAITING_FOR_DEPS
for dep_name in self.dep_names:
self.status = Task.READY
def add_jobs_to_queues(self):
jobs = self.jobs
# a lot of stuff I trimmed here
for w in self.where: Queue.queues[w].put(jobs)
self.status = Task.IN_EXECUTION
def wait_for_jobs(self):
for j in self.jobs: j.wait()
As you can see I need to access the dictionary with all the instances in the wait_for_deps method. Would it make more sense to have a global variable instead of a class field? I could be using a wrong approach here, maybe that stuff shouldn't even be in a method, but it made sense to me (I'm new to OOP)
so that the class isn't hardcoded. The latter requires new-style classes (i.e. classes that inherit from object). – Varices