I have a method that returns data from an EF model.
I'm getting the above message, but I can't wotk our how to circumvent the problem.
public static IEnumerable<FundedCount> GetFundedCount()
var today = DateTime.Now;
var daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(today.Year, today.Month);
var day1 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
var day31 = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-31);
using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(ConnectionString.PaydayLenders))
var r = new Repository<MatchHistory>(uow.Context);
return r.Find()
.Where(x =>
x.AppliedOn >= day1 && x.AppliedOn <= day31 &&
x.ResultTypeId == (int)MatchResultType.Accepted)
.GroupBy(x => new { x.BuyerId, x.AppliedOn })
.Select(x => new FundedCount(
x.Count() / 30 * daysInMonth))
FundedCount is not an EF enity, MatchHistory is, so can't understand why it is complaining.
All advice appreciated.
constructor e.g.new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)
will throw this error. Cryptic! – Eohippus