I am confused with this: I have an action ,say Parent ,and in the corresponding view file ,I have called a child action ,say Child ,both Parent and Child actions are in the same controller.
and I need the Child action and the Parent action to share some data in the ViewBag.Now ,what I should do ?Here is my question:
when I call the Child action in parent's view file ,I pass the viewbag to it like this: @Html.Action(ViewBag). in my child action ,I do this:
public PartialViewResult Child(Object ViewBag)
//using the data in ViewBag
Is this the right way ? Does the viewbag object passed by reference or it is a different object then the original viewbag(more memory needed)?
Or if the Child action is sharing the viewbag with its calling parent Action by default?
From Darin Dimitrov's answer ,I knew that I can't do something like this:@Html.Action(ViewBag)
But I really need to pass the child action muti-parameters,what can I do ?