How can I drop a Delta Table in Databricks? I can't find any information in the docs... maybe the only solution is to delete the files inside the folder 'delta' with the magic command or dbutils:
%fs rm -r delta/mytable?
For clarification, I put here a very basic example.
#create dataframe...
from pyspark.sql.types import *
cSchema = StructType([StructField("items", StringType())\
,StructField("number", IntegerType())])
test_list = [['furniture', 1], ['games', 3]]
df = spark.createDataFrame(test_list,schema=cSchema)
and save it in a Delta table
Then, if I try to delete it.. it's not possible with drop table or similar action
DROP TABLE 'delta.test_table'
neither other options like drop table 'delta/test_table', etc, etc...