I did this with a bit of CSS
mat-sidenav:not(.mat-drawer-opened) {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) !important;
visibility: visible !important;
width: 60px !important;
overflow: hidden;
So when the draw is NOT open, the width of the sidenav is 60px and not 0. Just enough to show your icons.
OK, the next issue is that you'll need to hide a bunch of stuff like button name and other descriptive stuff, for me I need to change the height of the profile image and hide additional text. I did this in the same way as above using the :not selector:
mat-sidenav:not(.mat-drawer-opened) div.leftNav div.navProfile img {
width: 40px; margin: 16px 0 0px 0;
mat-sidenav:not(.mat-drawer-opened) .navTitle,
mat-sidenav:not(.mat-drawer-opened) .profileTitle {
display: none;
When collapsed I didn't want to show the button names so I wrapped the name in a *ngIf
<span class="navName" *ngIf="opened">{{ page?.name }} </span>
This should work, and it does but there is a problem. The ngIf is bound to the opened event and you will notice a delay when the event is firing (to account for it animation) to show your labels when the drawer is open.
To fix this I had to delve into the api of sidenav and found an eventemitter call openedStart and closedStart. I created a new bool in the component class,
showNavLabels: boolean;
then bound the events to this bool in the HTML.
<mat-sidenav class="sidenav" #sidenav mode="side" [(opened)]="opened"
(openedStart)='showNavLabels = !showNavLabels'
(closedStart)='showNavLabels = !showNavLabels' >
I am sure there is better way as I am not that experienced with Angular yet.
I hope it helps you out.