onBindHolder called several times as Recycler View needs a view unless new one. So each time you set visilibity in child views, other views states are also changes.
Whenever you scroll up and down, these views are getting re-drawed with wrong visibility options so always specify both the conditions cause recycler view doesn't know the previous state/conditions/values of our widgets.
Solution :
If in If block you set visibility of any android widget.setVisibility(View.Gone) then in else block you have to set it's visibility opposite vwith widget.setVisibility(View.Visible) to overcome the above problem.
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int i) {
viewHolder.tvPrice.setText("Rs."+String.format("%.2f", Float.parseFloat(ModelCategoryProducts.price.get(i))));
if(ModelCategoryProducts.special_price.get(i).equals("null")) {
viewHolder.tvSpecialPrice.setVisibility(View.GONE); // here visibility is gone and in else it's opposite visibility i set.
viewHolder.tvPrice.setPaintFlags(0);// here paint flag is 0 and in else it's opposite flag that i want is set.
}else if(!ModelCategoryProducts.special_price.get(i).equals("null")){
viewHolder.tvSpecialPrice.setText("Rs." + String.format("%.2f", Float.parseFloat(ModelCategoryProducts.special_price.get(i))));
viewHolder.tvPrice.setPaintFlags(viewHolder.tvPrice.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
if (!ModelCategoryProducts.image_url.get(i).isEmpty()) {
viewHolder.setClickListener(new ItemClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view, int position, boolean isLongClick) {
if (isLongClick) {
// Toast.makeText(context, "#" + position + " - " + ModelCategoryProducts.name.get(position) + " (Long click)", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(context, "#" + position + " - " + ModelCategoryProducts.name.get(position), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Intent i = new Intent(context, ProductDetail.class);
i.putExtra("flagHlvCheck", 5);
. – Akee