Want to output a Pandas groupby dataframe to CSV. Tried various StackOverflow solutions but they have not worked.
Python 3.6.1, Pandas 0.20.1
groupby result looks like:
id month year count
0 9066 82 32142 895
1 7679 84 30112 749
2 8368 126 42187 872
3 11038 102 34165 976
4 8815 117 34122 767
5 10979 163 50225 1252
6 8726 142 38159 996
7 5568 63 26143 582
Want a csv that looks like
week count
0 895
1 749
2 872
3 976
4 767
5 1252
6 996
7 582
Current code:
week_grouped = df.groupby('week')
week_grouped.sum() #At this point you have the groupby result
week_grouped.to_csv('week_grouped.csv') #Can't do this - .to_csv is not a df function.
Read SO solutions:
output groupby to csv file pandas
Result: AttributeError: Cannot access callable attribute 'drop_duplicates' of 'DataFrameGroupBy' objects, try using the 'apply' method
Python pandas - writing groupby output to file
Result: AttributeError: "Cannot access callable attribute 'reset_index' of 'DataFrameGroupBy' objects, try using the 'apply' method"