If you prefer to automatically generate the *.designer.cs files from *.resx files when building the project, the following approach worked for us and it might work for you as well:
- Close your solution
- Open as an XML file the project file in which you want to automatically generate the designer files. Note that you need to load it as an XML file. You can't edit these settings through the project property page.
- Add a target to the project as follows:
<Target Name="GenerateDesignerFiles">
<Message Text="Deleting old Designer Files..."/>
<Delete Files="@(EmbeddedResource->'%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).resources')"/>
<Delete Files="@(EmbeddedResource->'%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).designer.cs')"/>
<Message Text="Generating Designer Files..."/>
<Message Text="Generating Designer Files complete."/>
- Locate the target named "BeforeBuild". This target may be commented out (the default).
- Modify the "BeforeBuild" target as follows:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="GenerateDesignerFiles"/>
This solution is based on all resource files being listed as "EmbeddedResource" within an ItemGroup of the project file, e.g.
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\Creditor\Display_Creditor.resx">
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\InboundEmail\Tooltip_InboundEmailDetails.resx">
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\Creditor\Tooltip_CreditorDetails.resx">
Disclaimer: This has been tested with Visual Studio 2013 and C# projects. It may or may not work for other projects and/or other versions of Visual Studio.